Hope Corps ITW Trip with Jenny Navarrete

Hope Corps ITW Trip with Jenny Navarrete

“Hi, My name is Jenny Navarrete, I’m 21 years old. I am Mexican/American, born in the US but my parents are from Mexico. I am currently a bilingual customer service representative for a large corporation.  I attend church at Mundo Pentecostal in Burlington, NC.”


What is your favorite Bible verse? 

“Psalm 18:2 - The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.”


What is a piece of advice that you wish you had known/followed sooner? 

“Every season serves a purpose in life. To trust God and his timing. “


You recently took a trip to Honduras for Hope Corps, could you tell us how that went? 

“My ITW trip to Roatan, Honduras was; in a simple word, amazing! It’s honestly hard to put into words just how impactful that week truly was. I can say that it definitely was a turning point for my life. ITW is an experience that has challenged me to do more and changed me for the better.”


How long was the trip? “The trip was a week long”


Did you know anyone prior to going on the trip? Or did you go without knowing anyone with the intent of making new friends? “I was blessed to go with a friend from my youth group and we knew a few friends prior to going because we met at PEAK, but we created stronger bonds and made so many more friendships that I’m so grateful for.”


What were some special moments that you look back on from this trip?

“There were so many special moments, starting from the first day where we knew God was going to do great things in each of our lives. As we were all settling in and meeting everyone, one of the students asked us all to get together in a circle to get to know one another and introduce ourselves. One of the questions he asked us was “ what are you looking to get out of this week” and everyone had a similar, if not the same response and mindset for that week. We all wanted a clear understanding of what God was calling us to; we wanted to be equipped with tools and wisdom to the best we could be for our local church. We ended that first group conversation with a powerful prayer meeting and I can truly say that in that moment I felt such peace and freedom and knew that the rest of the week would be.”


What is something that you learned from this trip that has become part of your daily routine or that you plan on doing for the rest of your life? 

“Before going to my ITW I was praying that God would give me a burden and a love for souls. I wanted to not just reach out to people, but to have a REAL LOVE for the lost. I have always heard the quote “ LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE”  and God gave me the true meaning of that and it is something that is now part of me. I am so much more intentional in everything I do for the kingdom. Anything I do for him is for his glory and we are just willing vessels that he can use.”


What would you advise or tell someone who is interested in taking a trip for Hope Corps? 

“I would say DO IT! You will have absolutely no regret! If you have any doubts in your walk with God or need a greater understanding of the scriptures, take the courses. You will be equipped with all the materials that are needed to grow your walk with God and your calling.” 


Did your perspective change any when you were on this trip? If so, how and in what ways? “Absolutely, I don’t see things the way I used to. During that Intensive Training week, God renewed visions and dreams that he had given me prior to going and He gave me new conviction, burdens and promises.”


How was the process leading up to the trip? What were some of the emotions that you were feeling? Were you excited, nervous, anxious? 

“Leading up to my ITW trip I was quite excited and nervous to say the least. It was my first time traveling out of the country and flying in an airplane, so I was a bit nervous for that part of it. As for the ITW I knew a little of what ITW in Roatan was like,  since a few of my close friends had already been there and experienced and had heard their many stories, so for that part I just had great expectations and was anxious to be there.”


What do you think your biggest takeaway from the trip was? 

“My biggest takeaway would be that “Every Soul Matters”  Time is short, but we have been given tools to teach the gospel and love souls. Stop waiting to answer your call from God; it’s our job to let the world know about Jesus and about this precious gospel. Start working where God has placed you, do the task at hand, because God has you where you are for a purpose.”

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