Raising The Next Generation

Raising The Next Generation

I take a look at this picture and I see a child. A four-year-old who is about to enter the public education system for the first time. A child who was timid, but loved to interact with other children. Someone who was curious and asked questions 24/7 about random things. A child who only spoke Spanish but would try to speak English with the bigger kids. A child who loved to sing. 

This child is me. For those of you who do not know me, my name is Kati. This picture was taken roughly almost 23 years ago. So much has happened in that timespan; things that as a four- year-old, I would have never imagined achieving. Did four-year-old Kati know that she would hold leadership positions within her community? Did that little girl know that she would be working full-time and be balancing a graduate program? How about teaching a Sunday school class at church? Little Kati probably didn’t realize the amazing strides she would make in her future. 

As a Sunday school teacher, I see myself in the children in my classroom. I see the kindergartners praising to Something Happens or lifting their hands to pray. I see them during alter call crying and calling on his name. At a young age, they are learning to trust in the Lord. They are reporting back about how their prayers have been answered and they are asking me to help them pray. I am learning from them- their openness, their trusting nature, and their vulnerability. These kids have so much potential and they may not be able to see it yet. I notice each strength the children bring to the classroom and try my best to get them out of their comfort zone to expand their skills and knowledge. It’s our duty to help support them.  They are the future generation of community leaders, the future church leaders, and the future working professionals.

I challenge you to think about this- How can you be the representation/role model you wish you had growing up? How can we have this child-like faith? What can you do now to help build and support the next generation? 

Also remember this- You don’t have to be a Sunday school teacher to make an impact on a child’s life. You can pray with them at altar call, help community outreach/bus ministry, or even assist with Sunday school events! Let’s work towards supporting the next generation :)

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